Campaign Pop-Ups – 10/3

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 - 10AM to 12PM 3 Locations TBA We've identified three visible areas where we'll be setting up tables with yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. We've got leaders for each of the spots, but we need a couple of extra bodies to help out. […]

Day of Action – 10/4

Pepper Pike Outpost 27 Hunting Hollow Drive, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - LIT DROP and POP-UP SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 - 11AM to 1PM 27 Hunting Hollow Drive, Pepper Pike 44124 We're looking for volunteers for a no-knock lit drop. Stop by, grab a lit drop pack, and walk for a couple hours as we make one last push before ballots are cast. We'll also […]

Day of Action Lit Drop (Chagrin) – 10/10

Chagrin Falls Outpost 61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Chagrin) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 - 10AM to 12PM 61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 (Map) Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your choice of […]

Campaign Pop-Up – 10/10

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 - 10AM to 2PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 2 hour shifts and we […]

Day of Action Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) – 10/10

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 - 10AM to 2PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your […]

Campaign Pop-Up – 10/11

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 - 10AM to 2PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 2 hour shifts and we […]

Day of Action Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) – 10/11

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 - 10AM to 2PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your […]

Zoom Postcard Night – 10/14


ZOOM POSTCARD NIGHT WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 - 7PM to 8:30PMNEW DATE Virtual Event Join us (on Zoom) as we take some time to fill out postcards to likely voters in our neighborhoods. We'll also be joined by guests including candidates and an occasional surprise guest. Postcards, a script, and a list of voters will be […]

Day of Action Lit Drop (Chagrin Falls) – 10/17

Chagrin Falls Outpost 61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Chagrin) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 - 10AM to 12PM 61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 (Map) Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your choice of […]

Phone Calls


MAKE PHONE CALLS NOW through ELECTION DAY Make Calls from Home Call targeted voters who have requested their ballots by mail to remind them to return their ballots. You'll use a script to provide information on how to drop off a ballot in person or through the mail. Sign up below to request a list […]