Day of Action Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) – 10/17

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 - 11AM to 1PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your […]

Pepper Pike Pop-Up – 10/17

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 - 11AM to 1PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we […]

Day of Action Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) – 10/18

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

DAY OF ACTION - Lit Drop (Pepper Pike) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 - 11AM to 1PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your […]

Pepper Pike Pop-Up – 10/18

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 - 11AM to 1PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we […]

Chagrin Falls Pop-Up – 10/18

Chagrin Falls Outpost 61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 - 11AM to 1PM Riverside Park (Map)Downtown Chagrin Falls, 44022 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we may reach capacity […]

Write Postcards

Help write postcards to voters in our communities Write postcards to voters in the Chagrin Gateway Democratic club area—Chagrin, Orange, Pepper Pike, Woodmere, Moreland Hills, Hunting Valley and Bentleyville. We provide a script, a list of appx 45-50 households, and of course, the postcards! You write the cards and get them in the mail so […]

Lit Drops


Help distribute door hangers in your neighborhood Distribute door hangers to voters in the Chagrin Gateway Democratic club area—Chagrin, Orange, Pepper Pike, Woodmere, Moreland Hills, Hunting Valley and Bentleyville. We provide a list of targeted homes and a map. You do a couple of hours of walking with our custom door hangers promoting Joe Biden […]

Zoom Postcard Night – 10/19


ZOOM POSTCARD NIGHT MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 7PM to 8:30PM Virtual Event Join us (on Zoom) as we take some time to fill out postcards to likely voters in our neighborhoods. We'll also be joined by guests including candidates and an occasional surprise guest. Postcards, a script, and a list of voters will be provided […]

Pepper Pike Pop-Up – 10/22

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 - 4:30PM to 6:30PM Morgan Park (Map)30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we may […]

Chagrin Falls Pop-Up – 10/24

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 - 10AM to NOON Riverside Park (Map)Downtown Chagrin Falls, 44022 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we may reach capacity quickly. […]

Pepper Pike Pop-Up – 10/25

Morgan Park 30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH, United States

CAMPAIGN POP-UPS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 - 11AM to 1PM Morgan Park30550 Pinetree Rd, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Join us as we set up tables to distribute yard signs, vote-by-mail applications, buttons, and mini flags to distribute to interested passers-by. Social distancing and masks required. This event will be run in 1 hour shifts and we may […]

Rally and Walk – Chagrin

RALLY AND WALK SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 - 10AM Riverside Park (Map)Downtown Chagrin Falls, 44022 The final weekend kicks off with a 10AM socially-distanced pep talk in downtown Chagrin Falls followed by targeted lit drops down easy-to-walk streets of Chagrin Falls. Allow 60-90 minutes to walk your turf.