
Zoom Postcard Night – 10/19

Zoom Postcard Night – 10/19


MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 – 7PM to 8:30PM

Virtual Event

Join us (on Zoom) as we take some time to fill out postcards to likely voters in our neighborhoods. We’ll also be joined by guests including candidates and an occasional surprise guest.

Postcards, a script, and a list of voters will be provided to you ahead of the event. We prefer it if you can pick up the postcards from one of our neighborhood “outposts” (volunteer homes with plastic bin on the porch), but can drop off postcards to your home if needed.

Zoom meeting details, the script, and the list of voters will be sent to you the day before the event.


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Time to Stop Pretending

Time to Stop Pretending

Today’s the day none of us thought could happen—but here we are. As we cross the noon hour, Donald Trump, despite being caught (and in many cases convicted) of one crime after another—including staging a violent coup in 2021—has been sworn in as the 47th President of the United States.

Location on Map

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