Day of Action Lit Drop (Chagrin) – 10/10
DAY OF ACTION – Lit Drop (Chagrin)
61 Olive St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 (Map)
Stop by and pick up a walk pack with a list of targeted households and a stack of door hangers! No knocking! Walking areas will be nearby and you have your choice of Chagrin Falls, Bentleyville, or Moreland Hills. Social distancing and masks required.
Data Points: Hunting Valley
All of our club’s communities have been turning a darker shade of blue, but there’s one surprise precinct also trending our way over the last eight years—Hunting Valley.
Data Points: Bentleyville A
Understanding the numbers in the Chagrin Gateway Each week, we're going to try to explore a precinct in our club area to better understand the electorate and identify keys to victory others might be missing. While the March primary not only sorted out the Democratic...