TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!
TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!
Tell the Ohio House Education Committee to back off!
Chagrin Falls and Orange Schools are among the nation’s best. Apparently that doesn’t sit well with GOP members of the Ohio Legislature hoping to strip away valuable funding and dump a greater burden on local taxpayers. Tell our elected officials to fully fund public education and stop playing games with our excellent schools Ohio is trying to defund public schools.
Learn more with State Rep. Juanita Brent’s informative PDF breakdown (download).
Take a few moments this weekend to write and email your testimony ahead of the House Education Committee meetings on Tuesday (2:15pm) and Wednesday (9:30am), March 4-5. Don’t delay! Email your testimony to OHReducationcommittee@ohiohouse.gov.
Want to testify in person (in Ohio Statehouse Room 121)? Email your testimony and include a committee witness slip.
Can’t make it to Columbus? Watch the House Education Committee on the Ohio Channel for a livestream next week.
In the News

Campaign 2026 Kicks Off in the Chagrin Gateway
When we invited Dr. Amy Acton to attend our February meeting, we anticipated drawing a few more folks than our regular space in the Orange Library would allow.

Operators Are Standing By.
Calls to Congress may or may not work. But they may work. So call.

Dr. Amy Acton to Speak at February Meeting
Former Director of Ohio Dept. of Health; Current Candidate for Governor to speak Feb. 6