TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!

TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!

TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!

TAKE ACTION: Written Testimony Needed!

Tell the Ohio House Education Committee to back off!

Chagrin Falls and Orange Schools are among the nation’s best. Apparently that doesn’t sit well with GOP members of the Ohio Legislature hoping to strip away valuable funding and dump a greater burden on local taxpayers. Tell our elected officials to fully fund public education and stop playing games with our excellent schools Ohio is trying to defund public schools.

Learn more with State Rep. Juanita Brent’s informative PDF breakdown (download).

Take a few moments this weekend to write and email your testimony ahead of the House Education Committee meetings on Tuesday (2:15pm) and Wednesday (9:30am), March 4-5. Don’t delay! Email your testimony to OHReducationcommittee@ohiohouse.gov.

Want to testify in person (in Ohio Statehouse Room 121)? Email your testimony and include a committee witness slip.

Can’t make it to Columbus? Watch the House Education Committee on the Ohio Channel for a livestream next week.

In the News

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

Let corporate America feel our flex.

On Friday, February 28, people across the country are coming together for a one-day economic boycott to send a clear message: we will not support companies that fund extremist policies, attack our rights, or undermine democracy. This grassroots movement harnesses the power of collective action, reminding corporations and policymakers that everyday Americans drive the economy—and we expect them to stand for fairness, justice, and accountability. By refusing to spend money for just one day, we highlight the economic influence of millions who demand ethical business practices and responsible governance.

Participating is simple but powerful. On February 28, avoid making any purchases—skip the coffee run, delay online shopping, hold off on gas and groceries if possible. If you must buy essentials, support local businesses that align with progressive values. Take it a step further by spreading the word: post on social media, talk to friends and family, and let businesses know why you’re participating. The strength of this movement lies in numbers, and every person who takes part helps amplify the message. Together, we can show that our dollars—and our voices—matter.

More about the boycott on PBS, CBS, and The Root.

In the News

Campaign 2026 Kicks Off in the Chagrin Gateway

Campaign 2026 Kicks Off in the Chagrin Gateway

Campaign 2026 Kicks Off in the Chagrin Gateway

Campaign 2026 Kicks Off in the Chagrin Gateway

Overflowing crowd greets Gubernatorial hopeful

When we invited Dr. Amy Acton to attend our February meeting, we anticipated drawing a few more folks than our regular space in the Orange Library would allow.

Shifting to the larger space at Chagrin Falls Township Hall would mean we could accommodate over 100 with room to spare. When the meeting kicked off at 6:30pm, a standing room only crowd of over 300 flowed onto the street outside—the largest gathering in club history.

Inside, Dr. Acton outlined her plans, hopes and aspirations for the state of Ohio and detailed what she, as Governor, would do to ensure our children inherit a state on the rise—making it possible for them to stay here to pursue their dreams.

Acton spoke for nearly 25 minutes before taking questions from the audience for another half-an-hour, but the most impressive part was her insistence on staying longer to meet each and every guest who wanted the chance to personally greet her.

Nearly 45 minutes after the event concluded—long after every chair was folded and stacked—Acton was still there answering questions, listening to stories and taking selfies with anyone who wanted one. We literally turned out the lights as she stepped out of the building.

It was a wonderful event and we are grateful to her for making the Chagrin Gateway Democrats one of the first events—and certainly the largest—of her campaign.

Thank you also to our neighbors to the south—the Solon Democratic Club—for co-sponsoring and providing cookies along with the extra energy.

Photos courtesy of Mike Cook

In the News

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

Friday: Don’t. Buy. A. Thing.

On Friday, February 28, people across the country are coming together for a one-day economic boycott to send a clear message: we will not support companies that fund extremist policies, attack our rights, or undermine democracy.

Operators Are Standing By.

Operators Are Standing By.

Operators Are Standing By.

Operators Are Standing By.

Calls to Congress may or may not work. But they may work. So call.

Before Trump imposes tariffs on quotes from Canadian hockey players, here’s one from the great Wayne Gretzky:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

The same can be true of the actions we take (or don’t)—particularly with calls to members of Congress.

At a time when it feels like every sinister and crazy act is being forced down our throats at once, it’s not surprising that so many are feeling helpless and uncertain about the best course of action. While we regain our collective footing, a good place to start is by contacting our members of Congress—repeatedly. Whether you’re outraged by Elon Musk and his minions gaining access to private servers at the Department of the Treasury, the freezing of congressionally allocated funds for cancer research, or the president walking us head first into multiple trade wars, now is the time to pick up the phone and be heard.

Even if you think the effort is pointless, the pressure can collectively make a difference. Save these numbers and make your calls daily on the issue that matters to you most.

Congressional Switchboard
(202) 224-3121

Senator Bernie Moreno (R) (website and email form)
Up for re-election in 2030
B33 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2315

Senator Jon Husted (R) (website and email form)
Seat up for election in 2026
198 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-3353

Representative Shontel Brown (D) (website and email form)
Up for re-election in 2026
District 11 (including Pepper Pike, Woodmere, Orange, Hunting Valley, Moreland Hills and most of Chagrin Falls)
2455 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC, 20510
(202) 225-7032

Representative David Joyce (R) (website and email form)
Up for re-election in 2026
District 14 (includes all of our friends in Geauga, Lake and Portage County)
2065 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC, 20510
(202) 225-5731

Representative Max Miller (R) (website and email form)
Up for re-election in 2026
District 7 (including Bentleyville, a small portion of Chagrin Falls along Solon Rd. near Nob Hill, and including our friends in Solon, Oakwood, and then down past Wooster)
143 Cannon House Office Building, Washington DC, 20510
(202) 225-3876

Want to use an app on your phone to make calls to your representatives with automated scripts on a number of the key issues of the moment? Download the 5 Calls app on Apple App Store or Google Play


In the News