Order those yard signs early!

Sun. Mar 31, 2024 | News, Volunteer, Yard Signs

Reserve signs for your favorite candidates and help us organize for the fall

With the 2024 ticket now set, the early work is underway. Help us identify signage needs early by requesting the signs of your favorite contested candidates—from president to local judges.

Take a moment to review our order form (only contested races shown) and consider a “Take 3” approach for your yard with one for Biden, one for Sherrod Brown and one for a favorite down ballot candidate. Of course, you can request a sign for every candidate if your yard is large enough.

As we gather requests, we ask that you please consider making a $5 contribution for each Biden and Sherrod Brown sign. This early investment will allow us to place an order early and avoid delays that occur closer to the election. When completing the form, you’ll be redirected to the contribution page for our yard sign drive. All funds will be used to purchase signs, so additional contributions are appreciated.

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